
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cuaca oh cuaca

Oh cuaca sungguh tidak bagus one time panas yang sungguh mendahagakan but after a few minutes bole hujan the impact would be someone like me pregnant woman..I had fever, flu and cough and my body is totally unstable..sampai rumah berjangkit satu rumah..pity my kids and husband especially who are having it right now..dalam keadaan begini nak jaga anak-anak lagi..aduh tak larat...terasa seperti spa memanggil-manggil..

Talking about spa, I have not been to any spa since I get married..nak pegi buat facial pon tak dan..camne la nak gih spa pulak..terasa kecian tinggalkan the kids while me having my own time..Nak gih the mall without the kids pon jangan harap okeih..

I have a lots of pending post.. especially on my Aqeel going to school and their new ride which we had modified. Kalu ada masa kang i update...but not today since gambar semua takde..

Now Aqeel pakai brief..last time he doesnt like to wear dengan seluar-seluar skali avoid kencing bersepah or pampers bocor, we had to wear him a brief..


  1. tula...bile dah kawin smua terbatas kan. dah ada nak apa tah lg...

    1. tuh la...tergediks lak nak spa ngan facial bagai...tapi dah nak masuk 4 tahun tak pernah buat...berkulat dah kot muke nih..hehhe..

  2. hensem nye mamat dalam gambo ni..machooo..
