
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Family Planning

I really need to do this!!..3 kids for 3 years of marriage...kalau 12 tahun??..ngangangaaaa....*pengsan*..The second pregnancy that I had pon is unplanned. Gynae bagitau its ok you are fully breastfeeding...Breastfeeding itself is a method for family well 4 months after i gave birth to Aqeel, I found myself pregnant. Hmmm...takpe lah rezeki Allah nak bagi...after Aisha I quickly take birth control pill. I used Noriday as it wont affect my milk production compared to other brands (advise by my gynae).

After 9 months, I start feeling nausea and vomiting...and yup...I am pregnant my number 3. So when I went to my gynae, she just laugh and said that I am to fertile..So I cannot take the pills and she advice that after this I should take IUD instead..

So kalu lepas pakai IUD still pregnant camne?..harus diikat terus...4 is enough for me..

Even though all my kids are unplanned, I love them to death..cute little munchkins..

Sekian, terima kasih...

1 comment:

  1. gelak i baca post ni!! congrats babe!

    very efficient : )
