
Monday, November 14, 2011

Tido Asing

Well, not me and husband..but for the kids....Aqeel is already 2 years and 3 months and Aisha is 1 year 2 months old..both are still sleeping with us...of course, kalau tido atas katil queen or king definitely akan ade org jatuh tergolek atas lantai...what we did was combinekan single and queen tilam (tilam sahaja tanpa katil) takde la cramp sgt...both Aqeel and Aisha tido sgt lasak...tau2 esok dah 360 degree dah..
So now the question is at what age should we sleep separately from both of them..bukan takmo tido sekali...tapi seeing that another baby is coming out soon...dont tell that I need to change the single tilam to all five of us can sleep together...huhuhu...sgt huru hara nanti...bile sorang nanges all kiddos akan terjaga and melalak skali..ntah2 skali ngan mak bapak melalak sebab tak cukup tido..

Camne yer..ade suggestion tak from the experience ones?...

Sementara tuh..layan kan budak pompuan pakai baju MU hasil bapak dia yg fanatik sgt..

1 comment:

  1. U can start fr now as they are old enough. But go from stages. Prepare a separate room for them n ask them to participate by letting them to choose what type of bed they want, bedsheet colour or design....where to place the toys n so on.
    Start from letting them to sleep in their rooms during afternoon naps so that they will hav a 'belonging feeling'.
    Move to the next stage where, either one of u (hubby or u) prepare them for bed n be beside them until they fall asleep. Make sure t sleeping light is on. The next day make sure u wake them up so that they know that u never left them alone (best done during weekends).
    You can slowly let them be independent by cutting down the time u spent in their room.
    The most important thing is, u need to make them feel save n they should love their room.
