
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Breastmilk comes the third times of is definitely exhausting since baby breastfeed tense to feed more compared to formula milk feeding. In addition to that, I still need to pump to make sure the stock is enough when I'm working later.

I have teach him to use bottle feeding as well. At first he refuse to suck the bottle nipple, but my mom insist or else no milk for him. This is preparation before I start working. Why we start it earlier? The earlier the better so that he will not get used to breast nipple.

Now I get to pump 40 ounces of breast milk everyday with total pumping of 3 times. what I did to get this much of milk?..Well I have to go through pain and hard work. I poultice my  breast with hot water then I comb it from up to bottom. It is painful process but it works.After that of course the massage lady did her works there too..Besides that, I frequently pump even the nipple hurt and bleed.

On the food, my mom cook for me virgin chicken (ayam dara). It is good to increase blood as we lost it during delivering process. It also good in increasing milk production. I also drink a lot of Milo and Oats. Alhamdulillah from time to time I can feel the tank is refill. : )

Hopefully I can do a lot of stocks like pictures below:-